Steel Flanges,Pipes,Pipe Fittings

In recently years, Bayi steel actively popularized and applied in the advanced energy-saving and energy protection new technology, working hard to promote the second energy comprehensive utilization rate, realizing the overall cost reduction. At the same time, rewards and financial supports were also given by the national authorities. Up to now, there are six energy-saving and environment protection technology in Bayi steel applied with the nation financial reward of 195 million yuan.
On one hand, Bayi steel actively popularized and used the mature energy saving technology, on the other hand, they diged the potential energy in depth, promoting the existed energy technology application results to transform from the key technology to productivity. In recently years, Bayi steel can reduce the steam coal purchasing for more than 500000 tons in a total year with the rich coke oven, blast furnace, and converter gas, which reduced the energy consumption at the source. The 1.8 million tons of slag granulate project cooperated and established with corps agriculture 12 division not only reduced the solid waste emission, but also gained the remarkable economy and society benefit.
Since last year, Bayi steel accelerated in pushing forward the technology, equipment, product integrated creativity and updating and upgrading with international advanced technology, farthest promoting the energy resource utilization efficiency, reducing the environment pollution, providing important support for Bayi steel to speed up technology transition and integrate into the city economy circle.
So far, Bayi steel has won national financial reward for 460 million in tax reduction, product management, energy saving and emission reduction policy utilization project, etc, including 6 energy-saving and resource comprehensive utilization technology in converter gas recovery, dry quenching, hot pure combustion for secondary energy of 220 tons boiler project, gaining 195 million nation financial fund.